The Industrial & Commercial Company of Domestic Products SICAD-COALA was created in 1980. It is located in the center of TUNISIA , at 270 Km from TUNIS the capital.
COALA carried on a policy of continual development and succeeded to achieve a large range of products : Domestic Heaters (Electrical - Gas - Petrol ), fans and finally Air conditioners(window, split system ,central...etc ).
COALA performed this achievement due to its policy of massive investments in intelligence and modern equipments. Now COALA has a twenty percent university graduates among its employees which leaded to many successes: National social progress Prize ,National Exemplary worker prize ,certification ISO 9001 V2000... etc.
COALA counts a wide network of retailers ,representatives and after sales service teams implanted all over TUNISIA all this makes that COALA very near to its customers.
The management and employees of COALA are determined to pursue the development of their company to be always closer to your , our customers.